Thalie Paris selected for Positive Luxury's Accelerator Programme

Thalie Paris is currently undergoing Butterfly Mark assessment to become a Real Changemaker to meet independently verified sustainability standards Positive Luxury Accelerator Programme. As an integral part of the Programme, Thalie is currently undergoing evaluation to earn the Butterfly Mark certification.

The Butterfly Mark certification is an independent and globally respected trust mark awarded exclusively to luxury brands, retailers, and suppliers that meet the highest standards of verified ESG+ performance, which encompasses Environmental, Social, Governance.

Positive Luxury drives the sustainability initiatives of the luxury industry and enables their collaborative community of brands, suppliers and retailers to effectively measure, manage, and report their net positive impact across an extensive range of ESG indicators.

The Accelerator Programme is dedicated to supporting the sustainability efforts of progressive luxury start-ups and micro-businesses; identifying and supporting young, innovative companies to adapt and reshape the luxury industry for a more sustainable future.


View Thalie’s profile here: THALIE PARIS - Positive Luxury

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